
Showing posts with label Layout wiring. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Layout wiring. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Layout Progress - 09 January 2013

While I am waiting on the final pieces for the roundhouse. I have been working wiring again since the last post.

First up was completing all wiring at Clarksville for mainline turnouts and sidings, also wired the staging turnout frogs.

Second, I prep for starting wiring and panel build for Honey Grove

Third, I started fixing the gremlins I had in the Bonham Yard panel. Started the demo part tonight, removing the problem circuit boards.

More to come....

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Control Panel and Wiring

Quick and Short update.

Been working more on the track bus and feeders. Track Buses are all in and 2/3 of the currently installed track feeder are solder to the track buses.

Pull out of storage the old control panels from my HO Layout and mounted the first one. Going to re-use the EasyDCC Accessory Decoders for Turnout Control, but I am not going to connect them to the DCC system, so they will function more like  556 flip-flop timer circuit others use for turnout control. 

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Wiring and Control Panels

All boosters are in and working. Have moved on to working on the bus wiring for the mainline track these week.

I have also been working and thinking about the control panels. Here are the preliminary layouts

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Track Feeders

Today I work on the layout for the first time since Early April.

Spend about 1.5 hours prepping and installing 45 pair of track feeders. Feeder are in place just need to solder to track. Next is to get the bus wires installed under the layout, but I still need to determine how I am going to divide the layout into DCC booster sections. I have four booster presently to use.