
Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Layout Progress - 29 December 2014

Today, I got around to assembly of the unloading pit and the two tower main structures.

I am happy with the unload pit but may redo the towers due to an small error on my part.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Layout Progress - 28 December 2014

Not sure if this is the last update for year 2014, so lets get started with this update.

Since the last update I have been working on the file to laser cut out the piece of the coal station. Today I got around to cutting some of the pieces, others are going back thru design and/or to 3D printing due to their small size.

First up the coal unloading pit, I am building this up in multiple layers of .06" taskboard.

Next are the piece for the main tower and base from .06" task board too.

Planning some assembly tomorrow.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Layout Progress - 14 December 2014

Today, I started drawing up the coaling tower I am going to build for the layout.

This is a photo of the prototype tower

Suncoast model make this tower in HO and O but not N, at least I have not found any so build it myself.

Here the drawing I started today.

More work on drawing needed

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Layout Progress - 13 December 2014

I have started back on the Layout couple days ago, now retired I have time but little funds so not sure of the progress that will be made, but I am going forward on it.

Awhile back I build this Walther's Ash Tower

Today, I installed it and position the service track for it and the coal tower and sand house

Added a little ballast around it

All for Now...

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Latest Photos of Layout

Thought I would post some photo of where the layout stands today, enjoy.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Layout Progress - 23 May 2014

Finished the back bracing and started painting the structure.

Got a name for it to, "Sunshine Furniture" because it's yellow.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Layout Progress - 18 May 2014

I know it has been awhile since my last post, so here what I have started couple weeks ago.

This is the building Sullivan Furniture Factory. I am trying to create it from a book called Early Frames and Masonry Structures by Pat Harriman. The book has plans and elevations of various structures for the modeler.

I am using my new laser to make this so here are some photos of the components

Outside walls and floor above.

Various components rafters, loading dock

Windows and doors

I hope to start assembly this week, more to come.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Layout Progress - 09 March 2014

Well got some progress done on the layout. Wired up all the tortoise at Bells and finish the panel. Just need to print labels.

Here a few photos of my new laser and some laser cut TT scale ties I have been working on for track and turnouts

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Layout Progress - 02 Feburary 2014

Well no progress on the layout, I received my (Full Spectrum) Laser Engraver/Cutter couple weeks ago and have been working on getting it setup, but between arctic weather fronts and real life work, not much progress until this weekend on the laser setup got it to where I could start it up and run though the software and laser setup routines. I am going to have to re-align the mirrors first before continuing and I need to finish up the exhaust venting too before I can cut anything.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Layout Progress - 07 January 2014

Well not a lot of progress the last few days.

I have been working on Bells control panel wiring and finished it Saturday evening and was to start programming the accessory decoders today. 

I had used some pre-wired LED's from a pass project. I thought, I had tested them correctly, but they were not correct and overheated and melded the styrene panel, so today I spend most of the day redoing the styrene panel, installing new LED and resistors.

As of this evening all is back to where I was Saturday evening and everything is working correct.

More to Come....

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Layout Progress - 04 January 2014

The graphic template for Bells has been done for a couple days , but I did not get around to working on the panel until today.

Holes have been drill and pin-striping tape applied. Installed #6 screws for turnout control (I am short one so a trip to local hardware store tomorrow) and banana plug receptacle for the wand.

Then I move on to starting with the accessory decoders and then some wiring

Another project also has been taking some of my time for last couple of days.
My CNC router been learning software and setup.

Waiting on a new collet with bits and material hold down clamps before I can perform the first cuts

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Layout Progress - 02 January 2014

The new control panel frame is finished. The sealer took longer to dry than plan due to cool/cold and wet weather here in North Texas. I have also mounted it and add the blank styrene front panel.

Next up making the graphic template and laying out the panel for LEDs and switches hole drilling.